🔗 Shortcut address of the article: teteos.net/go/banned
TeTeOS.Net accounts may be suspended. In this case, some features may be restricted. You may see the "Suspended" badge on profile pages of restricted accounts. They may also be deprived of TeTeOS.Net services, removed from our communities on other platforms. Accounts may be suspended temporarily or indefinitely.
❓️ How accounts suspended? What if I do to get suspended?
Accounts may be suspended for reasons such as violating the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy or Community Rules, causing unrest, distrust in the community, disturbing a different user, sharing their data, giving unwanted nicknames, mocking or threatening the official who maintains the order such as a moderator or superior. In addition, creating a profile with a false, misleading and insulting username may also lead to account suspension.
🏳️ Is it possible to restore my suspended account?
The moderator or admin who suspended your account takes note of why your account was suspended. This may change depending on the severity of the crime.
➕ Can I open a different account?
No, don't do this for the sake of appeal either otherwise you will get more restraints, penalties and less chance of amnesty! After your account is suspended even if your profile is deleted, you cannot register with the same username and e-mail address again.
🗒️ Additional notes
The visible name of the accounts using the display name inappropriately can be changed to "Banned".
✏️ Objection request;
If your account has been suspended and you think it is unfair, contact info@teteos.net to request an appeal.